Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Like you and me, only better

What a day of good fortune it is! The media is making this too easy. Observe these two stories:

The first story is pretty self-explanatory. Guy has gun in house. Kid finds gun. Kid shoots gun and kills himself. Guy gets a “4-year felony” charge.

The second story may have some skeletons in the closet, but at the very least, an officer is exonerated when a girl is shot with the officer’s gun in the officer’s car. The police say she killed herself (which is in doubt), but even if that’s true, how did she gain control of the officer’s weapon?

You see the contrast between the two stories. Regular guys are responsible for the lack of secure storage and eventual misuse of their firearms, while the boys in blue apparently are not. I guess it’s true: They’re like me and you, only better.


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