Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Guns = Crime. What? What media bias?

City takes guns, crime off street
It's a simple enough premise: The more guns you take off the streets, the less violent crime occurs on the streets.
"Anytime you take 102 guns off the street, there's going to be some impact on violent crime," said Lt. Brian Russell, a supervisor in the task force. "We're just hoping it continues."

Think about what you just said, Brian. If there was a definitive causal relationship between "guns on the street" and "violent crime", why are you "just hoping it continues"? If you're so sure that guns cause crime, you should be confident that as you keep taking them away, crime will plummet.

File under: Media bias/ignorance


Blogger BobG said...

At this point, I think it is a given that the MSM is extremely biased against firearms; funny how they are big on the first amendment and are willing to trash the rest.

June 27, 2006 11:30 AM  

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